Is My Child Too Young to Start Dance Class?

Let's find out!

Most parents dream of the day they can send their child off to dance class in their beautiful leotard and tutu. The only problem is you never know when they are really ready to start being in a classroom setting. We want to help you make the choice to sign up your student for class. Dance classes often start around 18 months, these classes are typically mommy and me classes and honestly, any child will be ready for these classes! You get to be right there with them guiding them and hugging them if they get nervous or cry. This is a great way to get your child introduced to basic dance steps, rhythm, and listening to directions. Independent learning typically happens between ages 2-3. You may be thinking your two year old isn’t ready to be without you. The first couple weeks will be difficult for both you and the student but trust us, the benefits are so worth it! Starting dance young helps to build a dance foundation in your child’s life, they grow in their strength and flexibility, their listening skills, their rhythm, and timing. The little dancers always have so much fun, they get to be around other children and make friends, they get to be creative and it’s great exercise. We know first time experiences can always be scary but your child is never too young to start dancing!

Even if your child isn’t the best at listening at home, you can always try and see if a classroom setting helps them. There will be times when a teacher may say that they aren’t ready but it’s always worth a try! You’ll never know unless you start. You may be surprised by how well they do on their own. Not only will they be learning to dance but they will be learning so many other valuable life skills as well. Children that start dance young always reap so many benefits!

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Happiness Guarentee

So can feel confident with your registration & your child can experience the Ultimate Dance Experience worry free!


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Is My Child Too Young to Start Dance Class?

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